Shopsafe: Crowd Management Application for Retail Outlets

Shopsafe: Crowd Management Application for
Retail Outlets

Shopsafe: Crowd Management Application for Retail Outlets

Adobe Creative Jam

Adobe Creative Jam

Adobe Creative Jam










Project Overview

Project Overview

Project Overview

Design Brief (Adobe Creative Jam)

Design Brief (Adobe Creative Jam)

Design Brief (Adobe Creative Jam)

Business is facing a challenge to control the inflow of the crowd and maintain the social distancing norms while opening shops for the public. Design a solution to manage the crowd in shops.

Business is facing a challenge to control the inflow of the crowd and maintain the social distancing norms while opening shops for the public. Design a solution to manage the crowd in shops.

Business is facing a challenge to control the inflow of the crowd and maintain the social distancing norms while opening shops for the public. Design a solution to manage the crowd in shops.




Shopsafe is an crowd management application that leverages technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Augmented Reality in real-time to effectively manage the crowd in retail outlets.

Shopsafe is an crowd management application that leverages technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Augmented Reality in real-time to effectively manage the crowd in retail outlets.

Shopsafe is an crowd management application that leverages technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Augmented Reality in real-time to effectively manage the crowd in retail outlets.

The application's flexible framework empowers administrators of retail outlets to set rules, regulations, and guidelines to implement preventive measures for the safety and comfort of visitors and staff during overcrowding or global pandemics like COVID-19.

The application's flexible framework empowers administrators of retail outlets to set rules, regulations, and guidelines to implement preventive measures for the safety and comfort of visitors and staff during overcrowding or global pandemics like COVID-19.

The application's flexible framework empowers administrators of retail outlets to set rules, regulations, and guidelines to implement preventive measures for the safety and comfort of visitors and staff during overcrowding or global pandemics like COVID-19.




User Experience Designer

User Experience Designer

User Experience Designer

Time Frame

Time Frame

Time Frame

5 Days (Jun 2022)

5 Days (Jun 2022)

5 Days (Jun 2022)


Adobe XD & Adobe Illustrator

Adobe XD & Adobe Illustrator

Adobe XD & Adobe Illustrator


Second Runner Up 🏆

Second Runner Up 🏆

Second Runner Up 🏆

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Apologise for the inconvenience caused 🫣

Desk Research

The purpose of the desk research was to understand the primary need for a crowd management system, effective strategies a crowd management encompasses and feasible technologies that can be leveraged to create an effective and efficient crowd management eco-system and framework.

An effective crowd management strategy encompasses of planning, understanding your crowd, communicating with the crowd and communicating with your team.

Existing Technologies that can be leveraged to create an effective crowd management eco-system.

Target Audience

The intended users of the application were identified based on the findings derived from
the desk research.

User Research

Conducted remote 1:1 interviews during the pandemic to get an understanding of the primary reasons the people stepped outside, the challenges they faced while stepping out and what they expected out of retail outlets.

Empathy Mapping

Created an empathy map to gain deeper understanding of the users' needs, desires, pain points and goals when stepping out during the pandemic.

Journey Mapping

Created a user journey map to understand user perspective, interactions, touchpoints, and discover opportunities to create an engaging product that meet their needs.

Visual Identity

Created a basic visual identity to ensure design consistency and to capture the overall essence of the application.

Final Solution

Way-Finding Optimisation

QR based E-Pass

QR-coded E-Pass to optimise the entry and exit points for visitors and manage the inflow and outflow of the crowd.

AR based Navigation

Effective AR-based navigation to help users guide themselves better inside shopping complexes.

Smart Routing

Real-time routing to pave the best possible route and help save the user from extra steps and the crowd.

Footfall and Queue Management

Time Slot Booking

Pre-slot Booking with time constraints to manage the inflow and outflow of the crowd coming into the mall

Virtual Payment

Payments via virtual billing lines and electronic bills for upholding social distancing regulations

Headcount Estimation

Monitoring the count of visitors, store staff, and retail outlet management to avoid congestion and overcrowding

Streamlining Communication

Personalised Notifications

Get important updates and personalised notification based on your interest.

Alerts for Temporary Closure

Receive notifications for alerts regarding temporary shutdowns of the mall, areas, walkways, or shops, etc.

Emergency Evacuation Plan

Emergency contacts and evacuation floor plan available for users in case any assistance is required emergency.

Crowd Surveillance and Tracking

Crowd Surveillance Dashboard

Realtime crowd flow analysis to identify overcrowded zones, social distancing violations, and mischievous activities for prompt intervention and enhanced safety.

Aarogya Setu App Integration

Track zone status of visitors, store staff and retail administration to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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Apologise for the inconvenience caused 🫣